Technical Professionals for the Patent Industry™
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Aug. 03, 2022

Patent Topics
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TPS40 - How Do I Know My Patent Is Worth the Paper That It is Printed On?

  • by Andre Grouwstra
    • Aug. 03, 2022
    • 483 Times
    • 8 min. read

    Companies dutifully invest in patents. Or not. We've written before about IP protection strategy (and will come back to it, too), which can tell you for which inventions it should be worth investing in patents. But once you have one, how do you know if it lives up to the hype (other than finding out the hard way)? I'll tell you what you need to know to make a decent first evaluation....

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    May. 11, 2022

    Patent Topics
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    TPS36 - What to Expect When You Change Patent Firm?

  • by Andre Grouwstra
    • May. 11, 2022
    • 437 Times
    • 8 min. read
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    Selecting a new, or first, patent firm doesn't need to be a jump off the deep end. If you ask yourself and the candidate firms the right questions, you can make a confident choice, with a good chance of success. Give yourself 5-10 minutes and be prepared....

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    Mar. 02, 2022

    Patent Topics
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    TPS33 - Five Ways Great Inventions Ended up with Not-So-Great Patents

  • by Andre Grouwstra
    • Mar. 02, 2022
    • 344 Times
    • 14 min. read

    I just finished reading Hedy Lamarr's amazing life story (The Only Woman in the Room, by Mary Benedict). Her 1942 invention of, in my view, spread-spectrum technology was documented in her US patent, number 2, 292,387, for a frequency hopping system. While the technology is now ubiquitous, and generally acknowledged for both its civilian and military value, the Navy rejected it at the time for all the wrong reasons. Not invented by a man!!! While you may hope that this kind of stupidity is now...

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    Feb. 09, 2022

    Patent Topics
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    TPS32 - My Invention Can Be Implemented with 500 Different Circuits

  • by Andre Grouwstra
    • Feb. 09, 2022
    • 307 Times
    • 7 min. read

    Chip inventions can often be built in a gazillion different ways. Here's what it means for your patent. If you are working in semiconductors and work on innovative architectures, AI processors, neural networks, systems and circuits, products, EDA, etc., you may be interested in some light (and hopefully useful) reading about protecting your IP. This series should provide it. I try to keep it light, and bite sized. Also, I'll be ready to help you protect your innovations – whether products, a...

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    Jan. 19, 2022

    Patent Topics
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    TPS31 – Can't I Just Hide My Invention in My Chip?

  • by Andre Grouwstra
    • Jan. 19, 2022
    • 307 Times
    • 6 min. read

    Patents are not exactly cheap. Event though the involvement of the inventors can be limited to a very reasonable effort, getting and keeping a patent, especially in multiple countries, can cost a bunch of money. You will prioritize in line with your intellectual property protection strategy. In the back of your mind, you may think "what if nobody knew how smart we were"? Thieves focus on the rich, don't they? If you just pretend to be poor, can you get away with not putting a lock on the door?...

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    Dec. 29, 2021

    Patent Topics
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    TPS30 - How Patents, Secrets, Open Source, and Reverse Engineering Help Humanity

  • by Andre Grouwstra
    • Dec. 29, 2021
    • 311 Times
    • 7 min. read

    I know – some people are going to say 'but you can do bad things!' Sure, but I'd like to look at all the good things that technology can do for us. Technology has lifted many people out of poverty, and it has enhanced the lives of so many more. It is also the cause of the biggest problem the planet currently faces—and I'd like to think that if politicians live up to their responsibilities, they will allow technology to help solve that. Technology is developed by individuals and companies tha...

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