This time I have a post that you won't hear many patent practitioners talk about. Of course we prefer the warm view that patents offer access to Nirvana. Or another religious experience. Despite my naturally optimistic view on life, I'd like to review some potentially gloomier situations with you. What can you do to prevent being forced to license a patent to a competitor, or at least to respond to such a threat?...
Companies dutifully invest in patents. Or not. We've written before about IP protection strategy (and will come back to it, too), which can tell you for which inventions it should be worth investing in patents. But once you have one, how do you know if it lives up to the hype (other than finding out the hard way)? I'll tell you what you need to know to make a decent first evaluation....
Patent applications get abandoned sometimes. There can be various reasons for abandoning, or for not abandoning. One company would, for good reasons, abandon an application that another company, for good reasons, would keep alive. Should your patent lawyer or agent advise you to drop the application when new information becomes available?...
Many inventors are a bit "surprised" and maybe not encouraged when the patent office gives a first communication after examining the patent application: 20 claims pending, 20 claims rejected! What's going on? Should you be worried?...
It's painful if your hard work to develop an innovative chip results in a knock-off being sold in Asia. This post, They're Selling Our *&^$#%@* Design! gives some thoughts about what you could do....
Selecting a new, or first, patent firm doesn't need to be a jump off the deep end. If you ask yourself and the candidate firms the right questions, you can make a confident choice, with a good chance of success. Give yourself 5-10 minutes and be prepared....
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